
 This is the external surface of a normal liver. The color is brown and the surface is smooth. A normal liver is about 1200 to 1600 grams.

這是一個正常的肝的表面。顏色是棕色的,表面是光滑的。一個正常的肝是大約重12001600 克。



The cut surface of a normal liver has a brown color. Near the hilum here, note the portal vein carrying the blood to the liver branches at center left with accompanying hepatic artery and bile ducts. At the lower right is a branch of hepatic vein draining blood from the liver to the inferior vena cava.



Liver is divided histologically into lobules. The center of the lobule is the central vein. At the periphery of the lobule are the portal triads. Functionally, the liver can be divided into three zones, based upon oxygen supply. Zone 1 encircles the portal tracts where the oxygenated blood from hepatic arteries enters. Zone 3 is located around central veins, where oxygenation is poor. Zone 2 is located in between.

在組織學上,肝臟可被分為不同的區塊。區塊的中心是中央靜脈。在區塊的周遭則是肝動脈、肝靜脈及膽道。就含氧量而言,肝可被分為3 個區域。第1 區域環繞著來自肝動脈被氧化的血的入口道。第3 區域位於中央靜脈的周圍含氧量低的地方。第2 區域則位於第1與第3區域之間。




This liver is slightly enlarged and has a pale yellow appearance, seen both on the capsule and cut surface. This uniform change is consistent with fatty metamorphosis (fatty change).




This is the histological appearance of hepatic fatty change. The lipid accumulates in the hepatocytes in vacuoles, which have a clear appearance with H&E staining. The most common cause of fatty change in developed nations is alcoholism. In developing nations, kwashiorkor in children is another cause. Diabetes mellitus, obesity, and severe gastrointestinal malabsorption are additional causes.





This picture shows the lipid vacuoles within the hepatocytes. Alcohol, the most common cause of fatty change in liver, is a hepatotoxin that interferes with mitochondrial and microsomal functions in hepatocytes. This interference leads to the disruption of lipoprotein transport and/or fatty acid accumulation, which in turn causes an accumulation of lipids in the liver.





Ongoing liver damage due to hepatocyte necrosis followed by fibrosis and hepatocyte regeneration results in cirrhosis. This produces a nodular, firm liver. The nodules seen here are larger than 3 mm and, hence, this is an example of "macronodular" cirrhosis.



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