
全年讀經: 以西結書18-19 雅各書4










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 31願他們感謝上主的仁慈,稱頌他給人子顯的奇蹟,31Let them thank the Lord for his love and wondrous deeds for humans.

32在人民的集會中頌揚他,在長老的議席上讚美他。32Let them extol him in the congregation, praise him in the assembly of the people.

33上主使河域變為荒灘,使清水泉源變成乾川33He turned rivers into wastelands, flowing springs into parched grounds,

34使肥沃土地變為鹹田,都因當地居民的罪愆。34and fruitful valleys into salt-flats, because of the wickedness of their inhabitants.

35他又能使沙漠變成水源,使旱地變成水泉35Yet he also turned deserts into watersheds and parched land into flowing springs.

36把饑餓的人徙置在那地,使他們興建安居的城邑;36There he let the hungry settle and found a city where they could dwell.

37耕田種地,開闢了葡萄園,因此收穫果實,豐富出產37They planted vineyards, they sowed fields, and from them got fruitful harvests.

38上主祝福了他們人口繁衍,賞賜他們的牲畜有增無減。38By his blessing their numbers increased, and their herds and flocks did not diminish. 39其後因慘遭災患苦難,人口減少而被棄如前。39But then they dwindled and were humbled through oppression, sorrow and distress.

40但上主卻使權貴遭受恥辱,任他們徊徘歧途無路可走。40And he who pours contempt upon princes and makes them wander in trackless wastes

41但拯救貧窮人脫離災難,使他家屬多如羊群一般41rescued the needy from their affliction and made their families flourish like flocks.

42正直的人見到必然歡忭,但邪惡的人卻啞口無言。42The upright see it and are glad, but the wicked are silenced.

43那一位賢哲詳察此事,並能體會上主的仁慈!43Let the wise consider all this and understand the Lord's infinite love.

Unexpressed Gratitude

The whole reason for saying thanks is to let the giver of a gift know how much you appreciate something. Author G. B. Stern once said, “Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone.”

When our son was young, he sometimes needed to be reminded that avoiding eye contact, looking down at his feet, and mumbling some unintelligible words was not an acceptable “thank you.” And after many years of marriage, my husband and I are still learning that it’s important for us to continually express our gratitude to each other. When one of us feels appreciative, we try to verbalize it—even if we’ve said it many times before about the same thing. William Arthur Ward said, “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”

Showing our gratitude is obviously important in human relationships, but it’s even more essential in our relationship with God. As we think about the many blessings we have received, do we express our thanks to Him throughout the day? And when we think of the amazing gift of His death and resurrection for forgiveness of our sins, do our hearts bubble over with awe and thanksgiving? (Rom. 6:23; 2 Cor. 9:15).

Take the reminder in Psalm 107:1 to heart each day: “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!”


How great should be our gratitude
To God our unseen Friend!
The volume of His gifts to us
We cannot comprehend. —Hess

God’s highest Gift should awaken our deepest gratitude.

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